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Stakeholder Presence by Driver
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Written by Support Team
Updated over a year ago

Stakeholder Presence by Driver

What is it?

Stakeholders make up such an important part of the story. Their focus on a specific company or topic can accelerate or decelerate the conversation and fundamentally change its course.

The RepVault Stakeholder Presence By Driver insight now goes further to help tell this story:

  • Spot where public interest lies to plan ahead, for example investing in initiatives that benefit society as well as delivering their business goals

  • Identify issues that affect company performance to avoid reputational damage. Shifting economic circumstances can rapidly mean a policy is obsolete for example relationships with Russia due to the war in the Ukraine.

  • Provide an early warning system or identify where an issue may be expanding to a new sector or focus, and promote messaging that resonates with current economic activity to give confidence to the market and investors.

How does it work?

This insight identifies the stakeholder organisations that feature in the conversations that contain both the entity in question (company or stakeholder) and topics included in the Taxonomy or Reputation Driver selected. The most prominent stakeholder organisations are identified and ordered according to the cumulative reputation impact of the documents in which they are mentioned.

As well as the total impact score for documents relating to the stakeholder and the entity(s) you’ve selected to focus on, this insight now breaks this down further to show which Drivers are behind this score.

Each coloured section of the bar represents a Driver within the Taxonomy you are viewing and its associated impact.

Use the magnifying glass icon to drill down to the next layer of information. From the overall chart this will take you to a view of the scores per driver and allow you to view the underlying top documents for each one.

Where you are looking at a Portfolio, rather than a single entity, you will see the impact for the top 5 entities within that portfolio.

If you would like to add additional stakeholders or stakeholder groups, please get in touch with your Polecat Account Team

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