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What are the Twitter social filter options?
What are the Twitter social filter options?

There are four different Twitter filter options and each suits a different purpose or use case.

Lindsay Scott avatar
Written by Lindsay Scott
Updated over a year ago
  1. Twitter sample – good for trends, benchmarking and detecting significant shifts in perception

The twitter sample stream enables you to access trends in activity and benchmark coverage against your peers as it is unbiased towards the known entities that we look for in keyword based social collection streams. By selecting the sample stream you may not spot the low volume stories but you should spot where a topic is growing or diminishing over time.

2. Twitter panelgood for identifying key influencers, monitoring breaking stories and spotting strategic media opportunities

The Twitter panel has been created by Polecat to focus on influential, verified users that are relevant to corporate affairs, ESG issues and reflect public perception.

By selecting the twitter panel you should spot the most prominent stories influencing corporations, see where influencers (politicians, activists, journalists etc) are really developing the conversation.

The panel is only available from March ’23 but comparing topics and peaks in activity will provide new insight to overlay against the general trends offered by the Sample or company collection.

3. Twitter Enterprise – keyword based search for robust coverage of your company mentions

Making sure that you know about any mentions of your company on social media is key to ongoing monitoring of your brand health and public perception, ensuring your corporate campaigns are getting traction and the key influencers are engaging with your media activity.

4. Twitter Legacy collection – (keyword based search covering RepVault companies)

Access to the Legacy collection will continue to be available to allow reporting to conclude on social media activity during 2022 and to highlight the key topics and stories for comparison with the sample stream. Going forwards (beyond March '23) all longer term trend analysis should use the Twitter sample stream.

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